Golden Transfer Company

About Us

We are happy to welcome all our partners. Golden Transfer Company was founded as a concept in 2022, and officially registered in 2024 in the Netherlands, at a time when the experience of founder Oleksandra Hruzdeva in the field of business and international trade jurisdiction reached a certain apogee in the companies where she grew up. The very idea was dictated by the market's demand for high-quality cooperation and is based on the reputation that we highly value, both our own and our partners'.The stability of the relationship and the quality of the dialogue are evaluated first, because it provides clarity and structure in business relations between intermediaries, as well as companies that carry out the transaction and enter into legal trading relations with each other Therefore, the company Golden Transfer Company is a company of intermediary activities and acts as a supervisor for agreements and legal agreements between potential clients that have certain goals and provisions. Golden Transfer Company is a reliable guide in achieving your goal in a comfortable way for you.